
11 Tips For Your Next Mobile App Design Competition

UX design is directly related to the quality of your mobile application. The mobile app itself plays just as important a role in users retention as marketing campaigns, because customers must enjoy the experience with the application, because they can leave it without. There are methods that use the leading experts in development of the mobile applications and get the support of clients. That’s why it is important to consider 11 tips for the creation of the design of your next mobile application.

1) Prioritize adding new features. The application is very feature-rich and scares off new users, so it’s worth giving up good features. Assess what the key advantage of your mobile application is and focus on it.

2) Target user emotions. If you have a desire to involve users in the process of working with an application and make it memorable, then use the emotions of the users. Create joyful moments because customers want to come back again for positive emotions.

3) Immerse yourself in exploring the ideas and needs of the audience. If you do a good job of researching the product and the people who will be using your app, then you will create an app that really resonates with your audience. By living the experience of the people who are targeted by the creation of the application, you will feel the problems of users that cannot be expressed in dry information.

4) Determine the goals of the mobile application as early as possible. Filter your actions through your goals. Give up anything that doesn’t fit your goals. Some design goals are clarity, humanity and joy. This approach will help you create a successful product.

5) Find important issues that can be resolved given the advantages and limitations of the platform. It is a mistake to create mobile applications that do not solve problems or solve an unimportant or non-existent problem. When you find a problem, make sure your mobile app doesn’t create more problems than it solves.

6) When creating applications, be guided by the principle “Less is more”. Build your app’s UX around the most basic goals. You can’t overdo it so as not to scare away users.

7) Create a clear interface. It should be easy to understand without additional effort. While there is a desire to create a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing website, the lack of clarity in the interface will make it difficult for the user to navigate. The simplest design solutions will help, for example, the use of text labels where visualization does not sufficiently help to understand the meaning or is unfamiliar to users.

8) High quality should be a top priority. Reading HIG, polishing the interface, testing the code, repetition will help to improve the quality. Limit the functionality of your application and make sure the interface looks perfect, and the application works perfectly.

9) Test the interface and any functions of the application on users. Only users can suggest what to improve or change in the design of the application. Without customer evaluation, the app simply won’t exist. Users can fix bugs in the app’s design. Sometimes it is a fresh perspective that will help you notice what needs to be corrected and changed. Even the best designers can make mistakes in the interface if they constantly work on the same design.

10) Attach to people, not beliefs. Involve future users in using your app as early as possible. Assess the potential user needs first, but if you’re wrong, go in a completely different direction. If you have to, give up your idea, because success depends on creating what people really need.

11) Focus on the needs of your core users. It is not worth adding many complex features that can be activated with hidden gestures, otherwise users will feel angry and lost.

If you want to create a truly unique, necessary mobile application that will find a response in the hearts of people, then follow the link for a consultation

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Written by Marcus Richards

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