
5 Beginner Udemy Courses You Should Take To Learn Internet Marketing (Reviews and Recommendations)

Give your marketing career a kickstart…

The world of internet marketing can seem dauntingly complicated. From do-follow links to viral Facebook videos, where do you start? Well, worry no more. Udemy is an amazing resource that has lessons on everything you could possibly want to know about internet marketing.

In this list, we have outlined the best courses you can take today to learn about all manner of different genres of internet marketing. If you think we have missed one, feel free to add it at the bottom.

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#1 Marketing strategy to reach 1,000,000! SEO & social media

One of the better courses I have found is titled: marketing strategy to reach 1,000,000! Seo & social media. Not only does the course explore all the foundations and fundamentals of SEO marketing, but it also gives a good overview of social media platforms. Currently, it has over 12,000 students enrolled in it and an average rating of 4.5 which for Udemy standards is very good! 

If you're new to SEO marketing and social media then there are plenty of useful tips and tricks you'll learn from watching this course. At only £13.99 at the time of writing for over 14 hours of quality content, it's definitely a steal!

Considering taking this course? Read other peoples reviews or learn more by clicking here.

Contributor: Sam Carr

Company: ppcprotect.com | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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#3 The BabySteps Roadmap to Internet Marketing Success

I currently work within a marketing field and I highly recommend that beginners look into The BabySteps Roadmap to Internet Marketing Success which is specifically aimed towards newbies who want to start or learn more about building an online business. This course is incredibly descriptive and will walk you through every step, clarifying any confusion along the way.

Considering taking this course? Read other peoples reviews or learn more by clicking here.

Contributor: Kelsey Ferrara

Company: promocodes.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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#4 Smart Guide To Digital Marketing

If you have more experience with marketing, then I'd recommend the Smart Guide to Digital Marketing, which will walk the viewer through SEO, Automation, and Growth Hacking strategies that every online business can benefit from. While this class doesn't require prior knowledge, it would be helpful to know the basics before diving in. 

Considering taking this course? Read other peoples reviews or learn more by clicking here.

Contributor: Kelsey Ferrara

Company: promocodes.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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#5 The Complete Digital Marketing Course + Digital Marketing Master

I think that there are two courses that are imperative to garner a better understanding of online marketing on Udemy, and as someone who has worked through both courses, I can attest that they’re very helpful, easy to understand and will definitely give you a better understanding of how online marketing works in order for you to better your skills as a result. 

The classes I’m referring to are ‘The Complete Digital Marketing Course - 12 Courses in 1’ by Rob Percival (which should be taken first) and the second, ‘Digital Marketing Masterclass 2018 - 23 Courses in 1’ by Phil Ebiner. The first course will help to give you a basic idea of how the industry works and how to utilize various social media platforms and software so that you have the mechanisms of online marketing.

Once you’ve passed this, the Masterclass will help you round off your skills and perfect your grasp on social media and online marketing techniques - giving you the kind of experience that most professionals in the industry have earned after years of work. So if you’re looking for a refresh, a head start or simply a foot in the door of online marketing, these are two imperative courses for you. 

Considering taking The Complete Digital Marketing Course? Read other peoples reviews or learn more by clicking here.

Considering taking Digital Marketing Masterclass 2018? Read other peoples reviews or learn more by clicking here.

Contributor: Nate Masterson | Marketing Manager

Company: mapleholistics.com

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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