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Start Fulfilling Your Potential: 35 Tips To Live A More Productive Life

Introductions are not productive so let’s cut the slack and jump straight into this article…

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#1 Develop a good routine

Thinking takes time and effort. To maximize your efficiency and become more productive, a good routine will reduce thinking time and increase what you get done. For example, an efficient morning routine can mean you get longer in bed. Here are a few tips to routine-up your life:

  • Have a staple set of 3 different healthy breakfasts so you're not wondering what to eat and then get a croissant. E.G, eggs, porridge, yogurt with fruit
  • Set the days and times you go to the gym. E.G, book in for a spin class every Monday at 6 pm and body pump on a Wed at 7 am
  • Read for at least 5 mins before sleeping and turn your mobile data off to avoid distraction

Routines ensure we get done the items we want to do. If we are always having to think about what to do, it can often lead to an inefficient use of time such as scrolling Instagram or Facebook.

What one routine would you like to add to your day?

Contributor: Rob Jackson


#3 Sometimes, it’s not about how big your ‘To Do’ list is – but about how much you get done

One can't get anything done when they are mentally drained. I find that journal keeping gives me a daily chance to refill the tank and helps me stay on track. Even a short, thoughtful entry brings clarity and perspective so that I can cheer myself on. Positive inner dialogue has been an important tool for me to remain productive!

Contributor: Carrie Aulenbacher


#4 Learn to say no!

Overcommitment is like a badge of honor in our society, but that doesn't mean you need to put your name on every volunteer sign-up or agree to every networking lunch. Choosing to do something just for the sake of doing it is draining (think about the office introvert agreeing to organize the company picnic). 

Protect your time and your sanity by being selective and asking: Does this activity fit with my goals, my strengths, my values, or my schedule?

Contributor: Sara Skillen


#6 How to defeat the distraction economy

The distraction economy is spending tons of money to distract you and keep you addicted you to the dopamine rush that various social media sites and apps give you. These companies have hired several PhDs, sociologists, psychiatrists to figure out how to get you addicted to your phone and their apps.

If you want to be really productive, you must turn off your phone notifications, and you should also consider installing the Moment app to track and analyze your screen time.

Similarly, it would be better to check your email only 2-3 times a day rather than answering your inbox after every few minutes. This is because, just because an email that's at the top of your inbox is only the most recent one, but our mind games us into thinking that it may also be the most urgent one when that often isn't the truth. The cost of short attention spans and switching time and again from one task to another is massive when it comes to your health, success, sanity, and productivity.

Contributor: Syed Irfan Ajmal


#7 Know your best concentration time

Some people are naturally morning people, others come alive at 9 pm. If you pay attention you likely know when your brain is calm and focused enough to take on your most creative or intense work. As much as possible, set up your daily schedule to maximize that time, and save other times of day for more mundane things like filing or responding to brief email requests. 

Contributor: Sara Skillen


#8 Honor your best unique work environment

I say your unique environment, because that may mean a minimalist desk, chair, and computer, or it may mean shelves covered in books and papers. How will you know? If you routinely pick up your laptop and head for the conference room you may need to take an objective look at your surroundings. 

Think about things that often get taken for granted, like lighting or colors (an extra lamp can make a huge difference). If you can't stand clutter, take steps to get rid of it - you'll likely save time in the long run not having to search for things. You will work and focus most comfortably in a space that feels supportive of your goals. 

Contributor: Sara Skillen


#9 Take breaks

Our bodies - and brains - are not built to work non-stop. Self-care in the form of periodic breaks may seem counterproductive to the inefficient and overwhelmed, but you are getting nothing accomplished when your brain can’t focus from exhaustion.

Contributor: Jennifer Snyder


#10 Get rid of clutter, Emotional, spiritual and physicals

Emotional clutter are people and commitments that do not serve us. Friends that are emotional vampires, they need to be donated to others. The PTA board that gives you angst, step down from it! 

Spiritual clutter, stop obsessing over what went wrong last week. Learn from it and move on. Productive people do not dwell. We don’t have time for that. 

Physical clutter. Start with your office and organize it, it is easier to think with a clean slate. Then move on to your junk drawer in your kitchen and make a commitment to toss everything that isn’t serving you. Sentimental things, save and preserve. The 4 pair of BBQ tongs, they need a better home. Too much stuff can be suffocating to creativity and productivity.

Contributor: Erin Wathen


#11 Get up early

The best time of the day is when the world around you is still asleep. No disrupting emails, no phone calls. The most productive hours are in the early morning. Grab a coffee and start being productive. The earlier you start, the earlier you are done with whatever you want to get done.

Contributor: Clemens Sehi


#15 Meditate every morning

It's amazing how much gets done when you start your day off calm and not scattered. Meditating puts the brain in a state of creativity and productivity versus survival which is where most people are by the time 8:30 am rolls around! 

Contributor: Jenn Edden


#17 Take time out to reflect (15 – 60 minutes)

We are living in the age of abundance. There are too many choices. Consuming too much information, or always having some kind of entertainment to enjoy isn't necessarily a good thing. Make sure you take out 15-60 minutes each day to sit alone and just think about your life, relations, work, health and more. This time can also be used to dig for answers within you rather than trying to find them in the external world.

Confronting our own selves is the hardest thing one can do but it is also the most fruitful, but we often keep ourselves busy in Netflix, social media and what not just to avoid the deep dark hole that we might be in (at times).

Contributor: Syed Irfan Ajmal


#18 Exercise 3-4 hours per week

You may feel exercise will reduce the time you have to be productive, but in fact, exercise can make your more productive in the long run. Regular exercisers have more energy and feel more able to deal with hard workloads. Your mind and body are inextricably linked, hence the saying healthy body, healthy mind, and your mind is in control of how motivated you feel, which is why regular exercise is important for mind and body. 

Contributor: Rob Jackson


#19 Do not skimp on sleep

While many people often skimp on sleep in the name of productivity, they're actually hurting themselves. While it may seem counterintuitive, the fact is that more sleep leads to greater productivity. Lack of sleep (fewer than seven hours a night) clouds judgment and has a negative effect on your ability to focus.

Not only that, it actually makes it less likely for you to take on difficult tasks and more likely veg out and surf the web when you should be working. It's crucial that you adequately recharge your mind and body each night.

Contributor: Chris Brantner


#20 Always pack healthy foods to snack on

One of the most common habits students and working people have is to snack often and rely on fast food. In order to combat these natural tendencies, it's crucial to always pack healthy foods to snack on during the workday. That way, they are less likely to go the easy route and visit the vending machine or local fast food joint.

Contributor: Caleb Backe


#24 Learn to let some things go

We all want to be able to get everything done all the time, we want to be able to tick everything off our many many lists every day. But when you live a busy life, there’s inevitably going to be times when your lists are getting longer instead of shorter, and when that starts to happen - it can be a little disheartening. 

It’s easy to fall into a slump when you feel like things are starting to get on top of you, and that can seriously affect your productivity. That’s why being able to take a step-back and say “I'm not able to complete this task right now” and then delegate or postpone it, is so important. To be productive sometimes you have to acknowledge that no-one can do everything. 

Contributor: Jordan Harling


#32 Limit The Amount Of Time You Spend On Your Phone

You may not realize it, but you probably spend more time on your cell phone than you think. Just a few of the many things people do on their phones daily include checking the time, reading emails, texting, calling, browsing social media, and taking photos and videos. 

Try to be aware of how much time you’re spending on your phone and try to limit your use of it. By not being on your phone as much, you’ll be less distracted and can focus your efforts on important tasks.

Contributor: Holly Zink


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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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