
A Basic Understanding of Content Marketing

Instead of pitching your business the old way, give your consumers a unique, useful, and entertaining way to interact with your company. Without great content, it’s almost impossible to have a successful marketing strategy. Use our tips and tricks to establish a more up-to-date marketing plan for your business.

What is Content Marketing?

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The Definition

In layman’s terms, content marketing is about creating a story that your consumers want to follow along with. Look at it as if you’re having a conversation with them. Through the creation and distribution of content, businesses are able to promote themselves while stirring up interest from consumers.

The Purpose Behind It

Utilizing content marketing is a long-term strategy that will help you build a stronger relationship with your target audience and routinely give them important information about your brand. Why do you think so many people feel the need to share their thoughts and opinions online? It’s because people want to be heard and noticed, now more than ever. Content marketing can show them that you’re listening.

Why Should You Use It?

The Key to Content Marketing is Value

\With today’s on-demand culture, people can easily skip over and ignore something if it isn’t valuable to them. That’s why it’s imperative for businesses to make an effort to create content that holds consumers’ attention. Don’t be afraid to ask your customers what kind of helpful content they’re looking for. They’ll appreciate that you’re taking the time to listen to their opinion.

Understand the Buying Cycle

Everyone who’s a part of the business world has heard about the buying cycle. Consumers follow four steps that repeat anytime they’re in the market for something. In order, it’s awareness research consideration buy. Content marketing focuses on the first two stages, as it intends to raise awareness and help educate the customer on what a business is offering.

Enhances SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Without content, SEO practices wouldn’t exist. For business who are adopting content marketing, proper SEO techniques will ensure that your subject matter includes the proper keywords, backlinks, and substance that will increase your SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and make it easier for consumers to find you

How to Use It

Methods and Forms

Now that you know what content marketing is and why you should use it, it’s time to figure out what kind of content you want to create. Consider using the following methods: infographics, websites, podcasts, videos, books, apps, public presentations, blogs, and social media.

Quick Example

Companies can go right to the consumer to create content. A common approach is using iPad photo booth kiosks at events or in stores for people to interact with. Those interactions are a quick and easy way for businesses to make and distribute content.


Hopefully our quick and easy guide to content marketing has answered the question, “What is content marketing?” If you want to learn more, check out some books, blogs and newsletters about content marketing. Remember, content is king. Generate attention and help your business grow by adopting content marketing into your business strategy.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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