
What Is Hot Desking And Why Should Start-Ups Consider It?

Hot desking has been a part of business for years, and with the coworking phenomenon providing a platform for this work style, it has come to be a symbol of all social business. New Zealandā€™s version of the coworking space has created an inclusive coworking community that has provided office space for a number of professional communities. Non-profits, corporations, female-owned businesses, and a million other types of businesses call the coworking space home.

However, it is the start-up that has really benefitted from coworking because it is almost fit out to support the entrepreneurial spirit, and hot desking has been at the centre of this effort. While there are many disadvantages to sharing this much space, the hot desk is a place where much work can be done, even in the presence of a room filled with professionals from different industries. The hot desk, as a matter of fact, can be a haven for start-ups trying to establish themselves in the business community.

Keep reading to learn about why start-ups should consider hot desking as a way to raise their visibility.

Saves Tons Of Money

For cash-strapped start-ups, the hot desk provides your business with the ability to saves tons of money every month. A typical conventional lease in the CBD can easily run into the hundreds of dollars every month. Add the cost to manage the space, including staffing, and the cost to lease a conventional office increases. Your hot desk, conversely, can provide you with an all-inclusive menu of amenities and place your business right in the proximity of the resources needed to make valuable business connections.

Simplifies Office Space

These reduction costs also translate into reducing the amount of responsibility that start-up owners have to take on while trying to establish their business. By alleviating stresses related to staffing and managing an office, those in charge of running a business find it easier to focus on the tasks of running a business, instead of worrying about paying a receptionist to take calls and paying rent on an office. Ultimately, much of the time devoted to running an office can be redirected to building your business.

Provides A Networking Platform

The hot desk is one place where businesses can establish connections within the coworking space. The hot desk, just by virtue of the fact that it places professionals in proximity to each other, sets the stage for people to engage with each other socially. This proximity can develop into chances to create long-term business relationships that further develop into collaboration opportunities. Yes, an interaction as simple as asking for a pen can develop into a business relationship that produces one of the most innovative ideas of the 21st century.

Its Great Temporary Space

The hot desk is great for remote-workers, digital nomads, and virtually anybody who is not quite sure of whether their venture is going to pan out. Those who only plan on being in the area for a short while can find these spaces are functional offices, and the hot desk provides them with adequate space and facilities on a temporary basis. Because joining the space typically costs less in terms of dollars rather than value, those unsure of the ability of the business to flourish can opt out without being tied to a long-term lease.

Hot-Desking Value

While many naysayers might eschew hot desking for a variety of reasons, there are many more benefits than disadvantages to adopting this format. First and foremost, your coworking space provides your business with a great value for your dollar. Moreover, the hot desk, as a part of the coworking platform, provides your start-up with the necessary tools to work with the added benefit of social interaction.

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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