
From COVID to Monkeypox: Navigating Emerging Threats in the Workplace

Understanding Monkeypox and Implementing Preventative Measures to Ensure Employee Safety

Key Takeaways:

  • Monkeypox is declared a global health emergency but is not expected to reach pandemic levels.
  • Employers can proactively protect their workplaces by creating infectious disease policies.
  • Measures for protection include isolation, personal hygiene, and following recommended guidelines.
  • Workplace policies should be reviewed and reiterated to prevent discrimination and ensure compliance.

Monkeypox Emergence: What Employers Should Know

The global community has barely recuperated from the effects of COVID-19 when a new health challenge, Monkeypox, emerges on the horizon. With the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting significant spikes in monkeypox cases in areas where it’s usually not found, it’s understandable that employers are cautious.

Delving into Monkeypox: Background and Transmission

Monkeypox was first identified in 1958, with the inaugural human case appearing in 1970. It’s a rare illness caused by the monkeypox virus, closely related to the variola virus responsible for smallpox. Despite its name, monkeypox doesn’t solely spread via monkeys. Human-to-human transmission primarily happens through direct contact with infectious skin rashes, scabs, body fluids, or respiratory secretions. Additionally, items contaminated by these infectious materials can also facilitate the spread.

Presenting with symptoms reminiscent of smallpox but generally milder, monkeypox’s manifestations range from fever and rash to muscle pains and swollen lymph nodes. Patients are considered infectious from the onset of symptoms until the rash has fully healed, a period usually spanning two to four weeks.

Protective Measures in the Workplace

Given the employer’s responsibility to maintain a safe working environment, the emergence of monkeypox naturally prompts the question: What precautionary steps should be taken?

The CDC’s guidelines emphasize the importance of isolation for affected individuals. Key recommendations include:

  1. Isolation: Infected individuals should avoid contact with others. This includes staying away from public transportation and crowded areas.
  2. Cover and Mask: Wearing masks, especially when symptoms like fever or respiratory issues are present, is crucial. In addition, lesions should be covered with clothing, gloves, or bandages.
  3. Hygiene and Sanitation: Frequent handwashing and sanitizing are essential. Affected individuals should also avoid sharing personal items and ensure proper disinfection of used items.

These guidelines, while crucial, primarily target non-healthcare settings. Healthcare providers must refer to the CDC’s directives tailored for healthcare environments.

Crafting an Infectious Disease Policy

Learning from the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers recognize the value of having a written strategy. A comprehensive plan detailing measures to tackle monkeypox might seem precipitous; however, a generalized infectious disease policy can be invaluable in managing not just monkeypox, but any potential infectious disease threats.

Revisiting and Strengthening Existing Workplace Policies

The introduction of monkeypox into the workplace discourse necessitates a thorough review of existing policies. This includes:

  1. Sick Leave and Accommodations: Employers should ensure that sick leave policies are clear, and employees are aware of their rights, especially if they contract monkeypox. Additionally, understanding the mandates of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will be crucial in providing necessary accommodations.
  2. Anti-discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation: With reports suggesting higher transmission rates among specific demographics, such as gay or bisexual men, employers need to be proactive in avoiding potential stigmatization or discrimination. Re-emphasizing workplace anti-discrimination policies and monitoring workplace interactions can help in this endeavor.


The emergence of monkeypox, hot on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, underscores the dynamic challenges employers face in maintaining a safe workplace. Proactive strategies, a clear understanding of the disease, and a recommitment to existing workplace policies are pivotal. At its core, the lesson is clear: adaptability, understanding, and preparedness are the best defenses against unforeseen challenges.

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