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Workplace: 10 Tips To Get Your Boss To Start Noticing You

Everyone in the working world would like their boss’ approval, and the subsequent rewards and benefits that arise from such a position; however, sometimes it can seem hard to get the recognition from those at the top. Below are some of the best expert tips given by industry leaders which will help you get ahead in your workplace.

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#1 Innovation

Our experience and research shows that getting noticed by your boss is best achieved through innovation. Spending time to identify a specific problem and create a solution is one of the best ways to not only showcase your talent, but also demonstrate problem-solving skills, branch out into an area that may not necessarily be the main focus of your current role and to show initiative. With innovation becoming such a hot commodity between businesses - and often being the differentiator for market dominators - your boss and your boss's boss are going to be grateful for the solution.

Contributor: Natasha Orme from

#2 Be A Part Of The Office Community

Being part of the office community means you have a reputation for being pleasant, reliable, remembering people's names and maybe even some birthdays. This shows that you're committed to the team and understand the workplace dynamics on a personal level.

Contributor: Nate Masterson from

#3 Don’t Fear Self-Promotion

My biggest advice for those seeking performance acknowledgment from their boss(es) is to be comfortable being self-promotional. While a manager or supervisor may notice and even recognize you when you exceed expectations, it’s only natural that negative performance (by you or others) tends to stick out more as an outlier.

High performers need to be comfortable keeping their superiors in the loop of their wins. This can be as simple as forwarding on an email documenting a recent success with a note of “just an FYI” or “wanted to share the below with you.”

Contributor: Sarah Taylor from

#7 ‘The Big 5 Performance Management’

Each month, start sending your boss a half page email that describes:

  • Your five most significant accomplishments from the prior month
  • Your five highest priorities for the current month.

Send it as close to the end of the month as possible and, no, you don’t need your manager’s permission to do it. Just start. Most managers will appreciate the information as just about all managers struggle to keep up with what everyone is working on.

Contributor: Roger Ferguson from 

#8 Integrity and Honesty

Integrity is the foundation to success in your performance. Make mistakes and own up to them, communicate powerfully, and act with positive intentions and a sense of what is right. Acting with integrity keeps your karma clear and relationships moving forward with positive trajectory and upward mobility.

Remaining strong to your morals and ethical boundaries is key to a good work ethic, which your boss will see. No one will give credit to a dishonest employee.

Contributor: Candice Simmons from

#9 Ask Questions

If you do not know something that's job-related, ask! (A question that should have been asked -- but wasn't -- can have catastrophic consequences that may never be forgotten.) And when you have made a mistake, admit it. Immediately. Do not wait to see if the boss has noticed. Most bosses are more observant than you may think they are. 

Contributor: Timothy G. Wiedman, D.B.A., PHR Emeritus

#10 ‘Stopping By’ Conversations

It's important to communicate what you're working on and the results you've achieved. People who get things done get promoted - - but only if others know about it. It doesn't need to be a weekly or daily emailed report. A simple 'stopping by' to chat and mentioning your projects and progress will suffice.

Contributor: Elene Cafasso from

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Written by James Metcalfe

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