
The Basics of Running a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing seems to be in a constant state of metamorphosis, causing many businesses to feel like they can’t keep up. Due to this ever-changing landscape, it can be difficult for a business to increase awareness, connect with consumers, and increase profit. Sound relatable? If you’ve found yourself unable to execute a digital marketing campaign, don’t worry. Below is a guide on how to run a successful digital marketing campaign.

Campaign Outline

It’s difficult to run a successful digital marketing campaign if you don’t have a digital marketing strategy. Take time and refresh on how the different components of your digital strategy work together before tackling a campaign.

Set an Objective & Establish Goals

Before you can start to conceptualize a campaign, you’ll need to set some ground rules. What do you want to accomplish with your digital marketing campaign? Once you have identified the objective (gain followers, increase product awareness, etc.) you’ll want to set goals and determine your key performance indicators (KPIs). Keep these realistic since you’ll use them to analyze your success.

Determine Target Audience

Your campaign won’t do any good if it doesn’t reach the right people. Analyze your target market, check in on competitor’s markets, and from there create a well-defined audience. Your digital marketing strategy revolves around your audience, so take your time when defining this group. At the same time, you’ll want to create a brand persona. This is how you’ll cater the campaign to this newly defined consumer set. Do a deep dive into your target audience—really understand what makes them tick to ensure your campaign will be influential.

Assess Your Resources

It’s important to identify your means before jumping right into the campaign. Your budget needs to be taken into consideration when figuring out the details of your digital marketing campaign. Common factors to look over at this point are the budget for paid promotions, the team that will work on the campaign, and which platform(s) you’ll use to distribute the campaign.

Solidify, Track, and Monitor the Plan

Staying on top of your digital marketing campaign plan throughout its duration will keep you on track. During its run, remember to track your KPIs, which will help you monitor and measure the campaign’s success rate.


Amazon created one of the most memorable digital marketing moments in 2018 with their influential “Alexa Lost Her Voice” campaign. After putting in time to research, Amazon executives concluded that millennials are driven by peer recommendations and that YouTube is one of the top platforms for social influencing. Using both discoveries, they aired a powerful Super Bowl campaign that helped them reach their goal of boosting product awareness surrounding the Echo. The creative, funny campaign featured a wide variety of acclaimed celebrities. In the commercial, these influencers participated in the voice technology function of the Echo (it’s main feature). This resonated with consumers as a product endorsement from their favorite famous individuals.

As the digital marketing environment continues to transform, advice on how to run a successful digital marketing campaign may change. Keep this in mind, and do your best to stay up to date with all the new innovations within the digital marketing world. You want to create content and cultivate an experience that grabs consumer attention and provides invaluable brand awareness.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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