
The Importance of Eating a Healthy Diet

You may know that sticking to a balanced diet is a smart idea for your overall health. You can probably list off several reasons why, but reading about some of those reasons again is always a good idea. You may even learn something you didn’t know before about the importance of eating a healthy diet.

Eating Well Decreases Your Cancer Risk

You consume many kinds of foods, and several of those foods fight cancer contributors. For example, free radicals develop in your body, but antioxidants from some fruits, vegetables, nuts, and wine neutralize these. Blueberries, spinach, and pecans represent each of these categories, and you can incorporate these foods in many different dishes or snacks.

Your Food Habits Rub Off on Others

You aren’t in this alone—your diet decisions impact your kids’, spouse’s, and friends’ habits, too. The foods your kids see on the counter affects what they consider a normal diet. This conception of “normal” informs them how to eat for the rest of their lives, so consistently eating fruits and veggies while limiting sweets goes a long way. It’s also easier for both members of a couple to carry out dietary changes if they prepare the same meals and don’t eat foods that tempt the other to cheat. Consider eating more healthily so that others around you do, too.

It Helps You Lose Weight

A diet rich in nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and proteins and low in calories and sugar helps people lose weight. Losing weight gives you freedom and helps your self-esteem, but there are many other benefits. Reduced joint and nerve pain are two examples. Losing weight decreases gravity’s pull on your body and relieves your overworked knee joints in the process. For people with chronic sciatica—or nerve pain running down your lower back and legs—weight loss can prevent more sciatic pain development and lead to less sciatic nerve inflammation.

Your Diet Affects Your Symptoms

Another benefit of following a healthy diet is that it helps you manage other long-term symptoms. People with nerve damage, weak pelvic muscular floors, or irritated bladders sometimes experience a loss of urinary control, or incontinence. Your diet can affect your bladder in several ways and exacerbate incontinence problems. One factor is caffeine consumption—it increases urination and further irritates your bladder. If you have pneumonia, drinking water to loosen mucus and eating leafy greens to prevent further infection helps limit your overall symptoms and get back to health.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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