
Questions To Ask When Buying a Conveyor System

Many different types of conveyor systems are specifically designed for specialized purposes. Some carry materials in a straight, horizontal line, while others are made to go around corners or incline to higher levels. Your needs will change based on where you are working and what material is being transported, which makes it necessary to know what questions to ask when buying a conveyor system.

How Will the Belt Be Structured?

You need to look at the floor plan of your work area and identify how you must lay out your belt. What is the optimal use of conveyor track with the space limitations you have? Is your space long enough so you can have your belt go in a straight line, or do you need to bring materials to a higher level with an inclined belt?

Know Your Options

Conveyor belts come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and applications. A few popular belt designs include:

What Materials are Being Transported?

You must also know what types of materials you’ll typically be transporting along your conveyor belts. You need to know their size, their width and height, how heavy they are, and if they shift easily during shipping.

Know Your Materials, Know Your Belt’s Limits

Your belts will be designed around what type of materials you need to convey. You must ensure the belts you purchase can handle the weight and that the material isn’t hanging over the edge of the belt. You may also need to invest in cleated belts if your materials are small enough to prevent them from spilling out or mixing together.

How Strong Will the Motor Need To Be?

Your motor strength is determined by how fast you need your conveyor belts to be and how heavy the material is. A motor with inadequate power won’t be able to move heavier objects. In comparison, a motor that provides too much speed may ruin the productivity of the production line or run the risk of damaging materials.

Know What You Need To Prevent Issues

Throughout the process, it’s imperative you have a clear idea of what your materials are and what your belt layout must be. Neglecting to ask yourself these question before buying a conveyor belt can cause lasting issues in design that will be prevalent through the conveyor system and diminish productivity and constant maintenance.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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