
Maintenance Tips for Heavy Machinery

If you run an industrial facility, you likely own machines that run day in and day out. While manufacturers design these heavy-duty devices to run at peak performance at all times, you can’t avoid eventual wear and tear. Here are the essential maintenance tips for heavy machinery.

Repair vs. Replacement

Every facility manager must consider repairing and replacing equipment. Sometimes, problems stem from one small malfunction or broken part. You can easily address these issues with a quick replacement. But consider how long the part will last. Suppose you need to replace an insulation part in your machine. Know what to look for in an electrical insulator, so you find a long-lasting and durable part that cuts costs on future maintenance.

If you think that repair is the best option, you must have a team of specialists that can help quickly. You lose money when a machine can’t produce. You should have a go-team in place to repair your devices and get the operation back on track as soon as possible.

Employee Training

One of the best tips for machine maintenance has nothing to do with the machines themselves. Your employees are valuable assets whose skills you can harness to avoid device malfunctions. If you train your employees in operational best practices and quick-fix solutions on the front end, you can save a lot of time in the event of an emergency. When you equip your team to succeed and take ownership of their tasks and tools, they’ll feel the responsibility to handle their machines with care. This tactic falls under a preventive maintenance mindset, and tool-specific training should be on the top of your new hire list.

Consistent Check-Ins

Machines can break at a moment’s notice, so you need a consistent schedule of people checking in on each machine. Create a maintenance schedule for every piece of heavy machinery in your facility. You should have people check their machines at the beginning and end of each shift. Then, you should schedule monthly and biannual check-ups. This way, you can monitor and evaluate machine conditions regularly.

Utilize these maintenance tips for heavy machinery so you can maximize your operational workflows. Without the right teams and tools in place, productivity could grind to a halt.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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