
How To Fix Your Overflowing Toilet Quickly

We’ve all been there…you flush the toilet and watch in horror as the water doesn’t disappear but instead begins creeping slowly to the top of the toilet. For a few seconds, you hope it’ll just go right back down, but sure enough, water threatens to cover your bathroom floor. If you know how to fix your overflowing toilet quickly, you’re a step ahead and able to stop the water issue from getting worse. Let’s discuss the steps for stopping the overflow.

Step One: Stop the Water

First things first—put a stop to the water so it can’t go any further. Try these steps in order to stop the water:

  1. Close the flapper: Lift the lid off of the toilet tank, and you’ll see a flap at the bottom of the tank that covers a hole. Push that flapper down to prevent any more water from getting into the toilet bowl.
  2. Raise the float: There’s a small ball at the end of the float to help you recognize it. Simply lift the float to control water flow.
  3. The valve: At the base of the toilet, you’ll find a valve to shut off the water to the toilet completely.

Step Two: Plunge

Now that the water is shut off, it’s time to plunge the toilet with a plunger. Always keep a plunger next to the toilet for these emergencies. Here’s how to correctly use the plunger:

  1. Place the plunger in the toilet, so the head of the plunger is covered by water.
  2. Pump up and down in quick, short movements with the plunger. You should feel some suction and begin to see the water go down.
  3. Remove the plunger and flush the toilet.

When To Call a Plumber

Call your plumber if the overflowing happens on a regular basis. An overflow now and then is normal, but if it’s regular, there may be a pipe issue, such as too much debris and buildup, requiring a professional scope and cleaning of the pipes. Drainage pipes see a lot, and eventually, the buildup leads to problems, such as clogs and toilets overflowing.

Now that you know how to fix your overflowing toilet quickly, if it’s helpful, jot down these steps we’ve covered and keep the list in your restroom in case an overflow happens. Preparation is always better than a giant mess.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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