
What Are the Best Eco-Friendly Home Upgrades?

Investing in your home is a great way to help the environment and save money, too. Of course, no home modification is free. However, most of them will make back their cost if you stay in your house long enough. With that in mind, what are the best eco-friendly home upgrades?

Energy-Efficient Windows

Most windows allow the outside environment to affect the interior of your home significantly. For instance, much of your home’s heat during the winter escapes through your windows. Install double- or triple-glazed windows to keep more heat inside your home. Doing this will reduce your need for a heater during the cold months.

In addition to getting efficient windows, increasing the number of windows in your home can have positive effects on your energy usage, too. Allowing more natural light into your home reduces the need for electricity during the day. The added benefit of natural lighting is that it makes rooms in your home appear larger than they are as well.

Water-Saving Bathroom Fixtures

The toilets in an average American household account for about 30 percent of indoor water consumption, and there’s no need for that. Swap out your current toilet for a low-flow option, and your flushes can drop from 3.5 gallons per flush to 1.3 gallons per flush. If you want to revamp your bathroom entirely, get a low-flow showerhead and save even more money.

Solar Panels

It’s no secret that solar power is quickly becoming the best energy option for many Americans, and it’s no wonder why. Most solar panel setups allow homeowners to pay nothing (that’s right—zero dollars) on their electric bill each month. They come with a sizable up-front cost, but the savings help you make that money back quickly.

With so many different types of solar panels available, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources out there to help you on your search for answers.

Now that you know what the best eco-friendly home upgrades are, start helping the planet (and your wallet) by taking your house into the future.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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