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How To Prepare Yourself for a Natural Disaster

Unfortunately, rising sea levels and warming global temperatures worsen natural disasters. Wildfires, floods, and hurricanes, for instance, become devastating to affected communities—more now than ever before. Scientists predict that natural disasters will worsen due to the current climate issues. Still, there are ways to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Here’s how to prepare yourself for a natural disaster in case of an imminent emergency.

Plan Ahead

Natural disasters can occur at any moment without notice. Even regular inclement weather can worsen under unforeseen circumstances. Hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, and blizzards risk health and safety for thousands, sometimes millions, of people. Start to plan ahead of any imminent danger if you live in a high-risk area. Prepare your house. Board up windows, bolt and brace water heaters and gas appliances, and turn off gas valves if a natural disaster arises in your area.

Create a Disaster Plan

A disaster plan is a situational action plan meant to keep you safe during a natural disaster. Create and practice your plan so that you’re ready for when disaster strikes. When it comes to disaster preparedness, keep in mind these four considerations: shelter, evacuation, receiving emergency warnings or alerts, and communication. As previously mentioned, board up your house and appliances to mitigate damage. Plan out evacuation routes to a secure area away from the disaster. Radios and cell phones ensure clear communication and signal real-time weather alerts. Don’t forget pets too, and make sure they’re tagged in case of separation.

Stockpile Nonperishable Food, Water, and Medicine

When disaster strikes, expect food, water, and medicinal shortages. As part of your action plan, stockpile these resources in case you cannot evacuate. In the event of a water shortage, find and locate emergency sources. Keep testing kits in case of municipal water shortage disruptions. Having bottled water also helps. Additionally, stockpile nonperishable food and medicine. You don’t know how long the disaster will last, so it’s best to keep a large supply of these resources.

Evacuate the Premises

Finally, perhaps the safest tip on how to prepare for yourself for a natural disaster is to evacuate the premises as soon as possible. If you can, evacuate before disaster strikes. Natural disasters can happen at any time, but typically they follow lesser extreme weather. Stay up to date on weather alerts and monitor the area. If it seems a natural disaster is imminent, leave. Pack up only the essentials, like your pets, some clothes, a cell phone, and other personal belongings, and travel to the safest location as far from the disaster area as possible.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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