
Tips and Tricks for Fishing in the Winter

Spending a day on the water is a great hobby and activity, no matter the season. Of course, fishing during the colder months is a far different experience than a lazy day in the summer. Don’t let cool weather stop you from reeling in a nice haul with these tips and tricks for fishing in the winter.

Fish In Shallow Water

Fish appreciate the cold as much as we do, so naturally, they’re more active in shallow water during the winter. The shallow waters offer more sunlight and heat for water wildlife, helping them stay cozy and healthy. Luckily for fishing enthusiasts, this makes catching these animals a bit easier and much quicker than deepwater reeling. Find lively spots around a lake, river, or beach, and focus your attention on shallow water—spotting fish is also easier when fishing near the shoreline.

Stay Warm

It’s easier to catch a big haul when you spend more time out on the water, something that cold weather sometimes makes difficult for us. That’s why it’s so essential to bundle up in quality, cold-weatherproof gear. Standard winter coats won’t suffice for inclement conditions. Instead, opt for water-resistant, synthetic-made clothing that breaks the wind and insulates heat. Clothing shouldn’t limit your range of motion, either.

Use the Right Bait

Certain fish are more present during the winter, as different species thrive better in inclement weather. Research which fish are most active at your local spot and secure the correct gear for effectively catching them. Some fish that stay lively in the winter include Channel Catfish, Walleyes, Pike, and Sturgeon. An example of a rookie mistake is not knowing the best bait for a sturgeon or catfish, so ensure you have the right critters and lures. River fish and lake fish also have different preferences for bait, so consider the setting when buying supplies.

With these tips and tricks for fishing in the winter, you won’t have to put a pause on your favorite hobby, even with cold weather present. Staying warm and prepared for the changing ecosystem is the best way to stay on the water.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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