
3 Common Mistakes People Make When Purchasing a Sofa

In addition to acting as one of the focal points of your living area or space, a sofa calls for a significant investment, which is why you have to ensure that you get it right the first time. You don’t want to be stuck with a piece that doesn’t fit or suit your space the way you envisioned. But with so many factors to consider, how do you avoid common mistakes people make when purchasing a sofa and find your ideal option? Read on to learn more.

Buying a Sofa That Doesn’t Fit Through the Door

Ever seen a delivery team struggle to maneuver a sofa through a doorway? It’s distressing to order a sofa only for it to fail to make it through the door. Before you make an order, do the following:

  • Take note of the dimensions of the doorframes and hallways. Also, don’t forget to account for the corners.
  • Inquire about whether the sofa comes in one large section or several sections.
  • Also, ask if the legs are removable. Fewer inches can make the difference between a sofa getting through the doorway and being dismantled.

If you don’t want to go through these hassles, purchase a sofa that you can disassemble with ease.

Getting the Color, Fabric, or Style Wrong

When shopping online, pay attention to fabric and color. Remember that sellers take the best pictures of their sofas, and sometimes, the color of the fabric in the picture might vary from what you see in person. Although you might not check things like texture and feel of the fabric when shopping online, you can request fabric swatches if you have time. Many vendors offer free shipping on fabric swatches to ensure buyers make the right choice. Also, you can avoid all these hassles by investing in custom furniture. One of the main reasons to purchase custom furniture is that you can incorporate your preferences and fit it into your home, even if you have a uniquely shaped space.

Buying the Wrong Size Sofa for Your Space

Before you purchase a piece of furniture, make sure it will fit. If you don’t measure the dimension of the space beforehand, you can end up ordering a piece of furniture that’s either too small or too big. A sofa that’s too small can look out of place in an expansive living room, while an oversized couch will make the room feel cramped. It’s vital to get a piece of furniture that fits comfortably in your living room.

Now that you know the common mistakes people make when purchasing a sofa, it’s time to find a suitable piece for your room. Investing in custom furniture can help you avoid all the above mistakes, as it’ll come designed for your space.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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