
Reasons To Grow Native Plants in Your Community

Many lots in town sit vacantly. What could you do differently today to make your community thrive better and enhance the environment? Since there is so much renewable land, consider adding new places for natural habitats to grow again, starting with growing plants in your community.

What Types of Native Plants Are There?

A native plant is a plant species naturally occurs in one area. They grow accustomed to their environments, such as climate and soil, and the local native wildlife evolved alongside these plants.

The other plant type is non-native. These plants came from different places, and we brought them to new soil, whether purposefully or accidentally. Sometimes the plants do well in the new land, but other times they become invasive.

When invasive plants become a problem, they destroy the environment by killing native plants. Some invasive plants include certain weeds and tropical plants. Having an exotic plant in your yard or neighborhood can harm the water supply for other plant life and even impact the food sources of native animals.

Save More Water

Now that you have an idea of what sets native plants apart, it’s essential to consider their benefits, such as saving us water. Water supply is a severe issue globally, and by having native plants, you keep more precipitation in the land.

Because of their ability to adapt to the environment from which they came, plants native to the US won’t require an excessive amount of water compared to non-native plant life. When there’s less water used, land irrigation isn’t as necessary.

No Longer Need Fertilizer

Fertilizer does help most plants, but it’s essential to help non-native plants, like lawn grass, grow. It’s not typically suitable for native plants since it overfeeds them. For gardeners, there’s a lot of money to save. No longer relying on fertilizer also benefits our waterways—fewer toxins flow into rivers and streams mean less harm to our aquatic life, roaming wildlife, or community members.

Communities Restore Natural Habitats

While scheduling your neighborhood cleanup, focus on areas like ponds and other vacant areas. By replanting a space, you create a more fun place for others to be in, bringing the community together. You can invite others to get to know your neighborhood species by restoring natural habitats, which invites native rodents, insects, and birds to return.

You Finally Know Where the Wild Things Are

Having natural environments creates beautiful towns. You want to be proud to say you come from an area where the wild things are growing and enjoying life. There’s something about wild plants that adds many new levels of beauty in color, height, and textures to our neighborhoods.

Add more than a variety of cleaning tactics to your community—broaden your town’s image with natural habitats. If there’s something you want to brag to others about your town, make it wild plants that grow daily and make the community brighter and better for everyone.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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