
How To Prepare Yourself for a Remote Position

Although working from home comes with endless benefits, it can be a difficult adjustment for many people. Whether you’re a social butterfly or simply struggle with distraction, remote work may require specific tailoring for different people. Don’t panic or stress; instead, learn how to prepare yourself for a remote position and get set up for success.

Research Your Company

While you likely did some research during the interview process, you should make sure you have a solid understanding of the company before you start working for them. Since you’ll be working remotely, you won’t have the in-person opportunities to learn more about the business. You must be diligent enough to look for that knowledge on your own.

Set Up Your Designated Workspace

Having a home office is the best way to ensure you stay focused on work during office hours. Also, it separates your work zone from the rest of your home. Although working from the couch or staying in bed is incredibly tempting, you’ll be more successful and productive when you designate a space in your home for work. Be sure to consider the home office furniture trends of 2022 and other décor options when creating your workspace.

Pro Tip: Set up your workstation near a window to ensure access to natural light throughout the day!

Separate Work Hours From Personal Time

Many companies will set office hours for you, but others may allow you to set your own hours. With that in mind, you should stick to those hours religiously. Even if you don’t get paid hourly, you shouldn’t continue working outside of your set work hours.

Although it’s relatively easy to fall into the trap of working outside of your office hours, you must set boundaries to maintain the separation between work and home. There’s nothing worse than getting burnt out because of blurred lines between work hours and personal time.

Keep in Touch

Working from home can be a very lonely experience, especially if you’re an extrovert. Although you spend time with your family during the evenings, you might not get enough social interaction throughout the day.

Many people enjoy working in an office because of social interaction, but it won’t be the same when you work remotely. Be sure to reach out to coworkers through video chat or direct messages to keep in touch with your team.

Knowing how to prepare yourself for a remote position is imperative when you begin the transition to working from home. After a few weeks, you’ll find what works for you and get into your work groove. The additional freedom is a bonus, but you might struggle at first to maintain your focus and high productivity with all the potential distractions in your home.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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