
Tips for Getting a Job Working on an Oil Rig

Oil rig work is constantly growing and offers many opportunities for those seeking a career. There are many different types of oil rigs, from the very small to the very large, so there’s lots of room for advancement within this field.

If you’re interested in working on an oil rig, continue reading for a few tips for getting a job and succeeding in this career.

Make Sure You Meet the Physical Requirements

Working on an oil rig is a very physically demanding job. You need to be in good shape and able to lift heavy objects. You also need to be able to work long hours in sometimes challenging conditions.

If you don’t meet the physical requirements, you likely won’t be able to get a job on an oil rig.

Get Experience in the Field

While it’s not always necessary, having some experience working in the oil industry can give you a leg up when applying for jobs on oil rigs. Knowing how to use the most important tools on an oil rig can be helpful, as well as having some experience with the different types of equipment.

If you have no experience, try to get a job at an oil company in another capacity, such as working in customer service or as a laborer. This job will give you some insight into the industry and show potential employers that you’re serious about working in this field.

Be Willing To Start at the Bottom

Many people who want to work on oil rigs think they need to start at the top, but this isn’t always the case. There are many entry-level positions on rigs, and you can work your way up from there.

Entry-level positions might include working as a roustabout or roughneck. These are physically demanding jobs, but they’ll give you the experience you need to move to more senior positions.

Apply to Multiple Companies

Many companies operate oil rigs, so it’s a good idea to apply to multiple companies when looking for a job.

Applying to multiple companies gives you a better chance of getting hired and allows you to compare different companies to see which is the best fit for you.

Follow Up After You Apply

Once you’ve applied for a job, follow up with the company. Doing this shows that you’re interested in the position and willing to take the extra step to get the job.

You can follow up by calling the company or sending an email. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear back from the company. Move on and keep trying with others. Eventually, you’ll land the job you want.

Applying for a job on an oil rig is a competitive process, but if you follow these tips, you’ll be one step closer to landing the job you want.

You can succeed in this field full of opportunities with hard work and dedication.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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