
Simple Ways To Improve Water Quality in Your Home

No one wants to live in a house with contaminated water coming from the faucets and showerheads. Poor water quality threatens your entire family’s well-being and is a nuisance to tolerate. Here are a few simple ways to improve potable supplies in your home.

Regular Device Maintenance

One of the easiest ways to ensure your water quality is always premium is by conducting regular maintenance and care. Preventative measures such as scheduled cleanings and inspections elongate your system’s longevity and retain ideal water conditions throughout your home. Faucet aerators, the screened component on the tip, require routine sanitation because metal and other contaminants commonly accumulate over time. Two yearly cleanings and an annual replacement of faucet aerators are highly recommended—clean and replace your shower head aerators on the same schedule if you own an aerating nozzle. If you use a filtering device on your faucets or in your home, ensure you replace the water filter as recommended by the manufacturer to eliminate contamination in drinking supplies.

Sanitary Enhancements

Sometimes, the cause of subpar water quality is due to outdated or damaged plumbing infrastructure. Deteriorating pipes and sewage fixtures can leech metals, grime, bacteria, and other debris into potable supplies. Alternatively, some homes and buildings across the country still feature piping and cross-connections comprised of lead or galvanized steel—these materials can cause serious health issues when consumed by humans. The best metal for your piping and plumbing fixtures is copper, as it possesses various anti-bacterial characteristics and superior durability. In fact, many towns and cities encourage residents to install beneficial copper water mains for new construction projects.

Waste Control

One surprising factor that threatens the quality of your home’s water supply is waste. Specifically, discarded items such as paint, household chemicals, plant pesticides, oils, and more can contaminate potable water and harm the well-being of residents. However, simply throwing these items out onto the street isn’t a solution. Improperly disposing of waste threatens the water quality for your entire community thanks to run-off, storm drains, and public sewage access points. Instead, contact your local EPA for more information on the proper disposal of hazardous materials and best practices.

Follow these simple ways to improve water quality in your home to better protect your family’s health and well-being. When in doubt, consult a professional plumbing business for additional help dealing with significant water issues.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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