Expand My Network (21/40)

My name is Angela Van Nutt and since I’ve started using HARO last month I’ve only written in to now 3 articles. I chose to use HARO because as someone in network marketing, I’m always looking to expand my network and broaden the number of people I can reach and share my product and story with. Using this outlet has been very easy and helpful and I will continue to choose the inquiries that fit myself and my product to enhance my business and broaden my network. 

To give you a little of my background. I’ve been in network marketing for the last 5 years, however, this past December after researching the benefits of CBD oil in children with autism, I found an incredible ground floor opportunity with the company HempWorx. 

My 4-year-old son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum last year and has been struggling socially and with his sleep and his speech. We were at the point where we would try anything to help him! Within 24 hours of his drops we noticed he was sleeping better, he wasn’t exhausted so his speech had improved and his confidence level was already building!! 

With it working that well and so fast on my son, we decided my 8-year-old daughter suffering from ADHD and severe anxiety deserved some relief as well! And boy did she get it! Her results came after about 2 weeks on the drops and hers were huge! Her grades improved, her focus was incredible and she was sleeping like a rock!! 

Then my husband began taking them. He suffers from anxiety and depression. He was able to take himself off his prescription! He’s been recognized at work for his confidence increasing! 

HempWorx CBD oil has truly changed the lives of my family members and so many others. It’s made me an advocate to help them and help others that may find relief as well! I am blessed to be able to share this product and this company with the world and HARO is becoming a new outlet for myself as a Network Marketer! 

Contributor: Angela Van Nutt

Company: hempworx.com

Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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