Finding the perfect gift for a new driver can be hard. Well worry no more, here are 4 must-have gifts for every new driver.
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#1 TACKLIFE T6 Car Jump Starter
New drivers are still trying to figure things out about the car their in, and may make mistakes. I remember the first big issue I had with my new car was when I left the headlights on when I went to the dog park and the battery died. It was so stressful getting the courage to ask a random person for help because I didn't know how to jump my battery.
Back then, I wish I had has the TackLife T6 Car Jump Starter, which is basically a portable battery and jumper cables. It comes with instructions for when you need it, and it could really save your life if you're on a road and no-one is passing by to help you. Once I found out about it I bought one for everyone in my family.
Contributor: Gabby Beckford from Packs Light
#2 Digital Auto Tire Inflator
This is a fantastic gift for a new driver. Every car owner should have one kept in their vehicle for their safety and to make it so easy to maintain tire pressures. No more going to the garage to pump your tires.
Contributor: David Storey from P.I. Stores
#3 MPOWERD Luci EMRG – Inflatable Solar Light
Luci EMRG is a pocket-sized lantern, flashlight and emergency light all-in-one. Needing only sunlight to stay charged, Luci EMRG shines reliably through storms, blackouts, roadside trouble or whenever you need light.
Waterproof, lightweight, and extremely durable, keep one in your car, tuck one in your travel bag, and store one in your emergency kit
Contributor: Barella Kirkland from MPOWERD
#4 CTEK CT5 Time To Go
As important as knowing proper driving techniques, new drivers should also know the basics of proper vehicle maintenance. Today's cars, with their plethora of electronics, need a regular program of battery charging maintenance to keep the battery in top shape and avoid problems.
The new CTEK CT5 Time To Go battery charger is the perfect Christmas gift for new drivers. It recently won Best Battery Charger from one of Europe's leading car magazines.
Contributor: Harry Hurst from Harris, Baio & McCullough
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