
13 Breathtaking Spots To Add To Your Greek Bucket List

Greece is a land of unbelievable natural wonders and a heavily engrained culture to match. With thousands and thousands of years behind it, the country is one of the most magical and sought after locations for any adventurer. Whatever the goal of your visit in fact, you can bet that Greece is more than able to cater to it.

Whether it be the perfect backpacking adventure, the finest taste tour anywhere in the world, or that special place to feel closer to the ones who are most important to you, go along with these leading individuals as we guide you through the most breathtaking spots in Greece.

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#1 Delos, Mykonos

A short boat ride away from Mykonos, this small island was the seatΒ of the treasury for the Athenian Empire. It still has countless ruinsΒ scattered over the island, which makes for a fun half-day trip when alreadyΒ visiting Mykonos. (You can see it in the morning and still have goodΒ beach-time for the afternoon.)

Contributor:Β Brian CassmassiΒ from

#2 Olympia

Although I found the ruins at Delphi and Delos more impressiveΒ overall, the site of the ancient temples of Olympia are cool to walkΒ around. The highlight for me was running the length of the original OlympicΒ stadium from ancient times.

Contributor:Β Brian Cassmassi from

#3 Delphi

A site of major mythological significance to ancient Greek culture,Β Delphi housed the famous Oracle with her enigmatic predictions. Many ruinsΒ remain on the hillside that overlooks a wide valley below, providingΒ impressive vistas.

Contributor:Β Brian Cassmassi from

#4 The Parthenon

I've heard many peers find disappointment with Athens whenΒ they visit for periods longer than a day or two, but the Acropolis is stillΒ quite the awe-inspiring spectacle towering over the city and certainlyΒ worth a visit to see the temples and the views.

Contributor:Β Brian Cassmassi from

#5 Portara, Naxos

The ancient Portara on the islands of Naxos is a spot you have to visitΒ while in Greece. The Portara is the unfinished portion of a temple built toΒ honor the Greek god Apollo. Lygdamis started the temple around 530 BC. NotΒ only it is a historic site, but it is the best spot on the island to catchΒ the stunning sunset that happens in the Greek islands. It also offers aΒ wonderful view of the Naxos Old Town and the Venetian castle.

Contributor:Β Tiffany Schureman from

#6 Meteora

Meteora is a Game of Thrones location and UNESCO world heritage site (not necessarily in that order) famous for having 6 working monasteries balanced on top of impossibly shaped rocks. Guests can visit the monasteries or hike amongst the rocks. They do not promote tourism since they’re inundated with travelers and trying to maintain the solemnity of the region.

Contributor:Β Jen Ruiz from

#7 Santorini

This stunningly beautiful island is famous for the whitewashed villagesΒ that dangle precipitously over the caldera. While the well-known spots canΒ be crowded in high-reason, travelers in the know can still escape forΒ hoards for a day to appreciate the island at a slower pace.

Contributor:Β Eric Chamberlain from

#8 Chania, Crete

The heart of Western Crete is a bustling, modern city filled with 5,000Β years of history back to the Minoan civilization. The historic center is aΒ microcosm of Crete, juxtaposing multiple eras of the outside rule:Β Byzantine, Venetian, and Ottoman Turkish. Centered around a small VenetianΒ harbor, Chania is lined with colorful buildings facing the EgyptianΒ lighthouse along the breakwater.

Contributor:Β Eric Chamberlain from


#9 Dounias Tavern, Crete

At this traditional taverna high in the mountains above Chania, Stellios Trilyrakis and his family have created a place like no other. Food is cooked outside in clay pots or in a wood-fired oven. Stellios is famous for his snails, wild greens and purslane salad, olive-oil fried potatoes, chickpeas and local beans with vegetables, and bulgur trahana with eggplant and his homemade bread. 

On the Oldways culinary tour in Oct. 2018, Stellios took our guests to see his olive trees, garden and to meet his two horses, perched on a terrace of the mountain. Then we all sat down at long tables to enjoy a Dounias lunch, served with local wine in tin cups.Β 

Contributor:Β Hannah DepinΒ from OldwaysΒ 

#10 Zagori

This mountainous region in Northern Greece with dozens of tiny villagesΒ linked by famous stone bridges is becoming well known by savvy travelersΒ for its beauty and culture. This lush, green, mountainous region feels aΒ world away from what many travelers picture when they think of Greece,Β namely Athens and the Cycladic Islands of Santorini and Mykonos.

Contributor:Β Eric Chamberlain from

#11 Thessaloniki

The second largest city in Greece, Thessaloniki is often overlooked byΒ travelers but is worth a visit for history buffs and those who want to seeΒ a different slice of Greek life. As the β€œsecond city” of the ByzantineΒ Empire, it's played an important role for nearly 1,000 years. The city’sΒ highlights include multiple UNESCO-listed Byzantine churches, Roman ruins,Β the famous Ottoman-era White Tower on the waterfront, a great seafrontΒ promenade, some of the best food in Greece, and the dynamic city itself.

Contributor:Β Eric Chamberlain from


#12 Antiparos

Antiparos is the sister island to Paros, which has an airport. Antiparos is only accessible by ferry and is the perfect example of a Cycladic island, with whitewashed streets, bougainvillea lined doorways and no cars allowed in the city center. Tom Hanks and Madonna both have houses here.

Contributor:Β Jen Ruiz from

#13 Knossos

As the capital of Minoan Crete, this ancient city features the ruins of theΒ beautiful and expansive palace that is supposedly the same location of theΒ fabled labyrinth from the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. You can marvelΒ at the extensive murals, artwork, and even intricate drainage of the siteΒ from antiquity.

Contributor:Β David AmbrogioΒ fromΒ

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Written by James Metcalfe

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