
5 Tips for Throwing a Gameday Party

Football season is in full swing. College football is on the verge of bowl season, and the professionals are closing in on the Super Bowl. There’s no better reason to get everyone together to eat a bunch of snacks and drink some tasty beverages than game day. Planning a game day party isn’t difficult, but if you want to have a killer party, follow some of these tips for throwing a gameday party. These tips apply to any sport, though, not just football. Make it so that your party is the one everyone talks about next season.

Feed Them

Opening a bag of chips and putting out a tub of dip just won’t do it. Find some great recipes and keep them simple. Finger foods are best during a game so that people can hold the plate in one hand and gesture wildly with a chicken wing in the other. Keep the food near the viewing area, but not too close. If it’s too far away, no one will eat until halftime, and if it’s too close, then people will block the TV and anger everyone else.

Douse Them

Odds are your crew has similar tastes in drinks, or you know what they like. Get a few different cases of beer and some wine. Have some water and soda for those that don’t want to drink. Keep the drinks in a cooler away from the TV, so there aren’t any interruptions during the game.

Seat Them

Seating on the couch will be at a premium. Bring in as many extra chairs as you can fit in the room, so everyone gets a chance to sit. Standing for a three-hour game isn’t preferred by any sane person. If you have another TV, set that up in another room with some more seating.

Decorate the House

Make the party a festive atmosphere by adding some sport-related supplies. The details is what will push your party over the top. Put sport decorations in every corner of your house to liven things up. This will come in handy if your team loses and everyone gets grouchy, as it will remind your guests that it’s still a party.

Make Cleanup Easy

It might not go with the décor in the kitchen or living room, but get a giant garbage can or two. Put them in strategic places in the house, so they’re visible and available. A regular sized trash can will overflow by the end of the first quarter. Have the giant cans ready with an equally large bag, so all you must do is put them on the street for the garbage man.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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