
Why You Need to Calibrate Your Lab Equipment

Working in a lab usually involves working with very delicate and complex equipment to get the results you need. Given how intricate many of these instruments are, they often need regular calibrations to ensure they still work as they should. Foregoing the calibration process is never worth any time saved because it always comes back to bite you later on down the line. Here are the major reasons why you need to calibrate your lab equipment. Perform calibrations based on a schedule or whenever something may have damaged your equipment.

Ensure Accurate Results

The most important reason to calibrate your lab equipment regularly is to ensure your measurements and results stay as accurate as possible. When even the smallest variation could spell disaster for something later on, you need to know your instruments have pinpoint accuracy. For example, an improperly calibrated vacuum gauge won’t give you an accurate reading on the pressure exerted, which could turn into further miscalculations later on and ruin the entire operation.

Reduce Safety Risks

When working with flammable materials or volatile chemicals, precision is everything. A slight mishap or miscalculation can actually harm someone if you don’t deal with it correctly. By taking the time to calibrate your lab equipment so that it’s as accurate as possible, you effectively eliminate the risk that an accident will occur because of faulty tools.

Save Money on Repairs and Replacements

No matter what kind of research your lab does, money is always one of the massive deciding factors in your success. Laboratory instruments don’t come cheap, and you can’t replace them on a whim by just grabbing a new one at the store. The longer your equipment goes without proper calibration services, the more likely it is to break or become damaged. The small cost of calibration is nothing compared to the cost of replacing an entire instrument.

Improve Equipment Lifespan

Regularly calibrating your equipment ensures that you get to use it for its complete lifespan. Not only does this reduce costs for replacements, but it also reduces the time it takes to learn how to use a new piece of equipment. This makes it simple to continue using an instrument that everyone is familiar with and saves lots of the needless hassle you’d experience while getting accustomed to new equipment.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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