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Is it Really Possible to Make a Living Betting on Sport?

For the vast majority of people, sports betting is a hobby, a pastime we enjoy and while we would all love to make money from it, expectations are realistic.

Is it really possible to make a living betting on sport? Well, some people do it, so the answer to this has to be yes.

This is without a doubt very tough though, and for every winning punter, there are many who do not win. This isn’t just about winning though, it is about winning enough to make a living, which takes things to a whole new level.

There are some tricks of the trade that winning punters have up their sleeve, and these are the best place to start for those trying to win on the bets they place. It may not be enough to live off your winnings, but being a winning punter, however small, is better than being a losing one.

Making Every Advantage Count

The odds are stacked against you when it comes to winning, never mind winning enough to make a living. For this reason, you need to take advantage of everything in your favour.

This begins with the betting offers that are available out there, stack them up and use them at every possible opportunity. These are too good to pass up on, and some even come with no deposit required, so you are not harming your profit and loss figure in any way by using these.

Alongside these offers, which are based around opening new betting accounts, look out for regular customer offers such as money back promotions and odds boosts. These will all add up over the course of a year and protect your profit and loss figure.

Have a Specialist Subject

This is incredibly important, and it is one of the things that separates professional gamblers from those who do it for fun. If you want to make any kind of money when you are betting, even a small amount, then you must stick to what you know.

Think of your betting as a business. When looking through the latest business news, you will see many experts who are making good money. They don’t go into other areas, because they don’t have the expertise, and if they did, they would likely lose money.

Find something you love, something you feel like you have strong knowledge about and then stick with that, without even contemplating to look elsewhere.

Even little fun bets should be ruled out. It may seem like a small amount when you are placing your fun acca on a sport you don’t know, but over time, these will add up and eat into your profit and loss figure.

Investing and Keeping Your Discipline

Following on from the above, every bet should be treated like an investment. If you are a huge fan of horse racing and bet on that, why would you invest time and money into the next round of Premier League football games?

Just as you should be looking out for bets to place, it is equally as important to know when you should not bet, and this all comes down to your discipline.

Take a long look at every betting opportunity and make a decision as to whether it is worth your investment or not. If there is any doubt, then look elsewhere. If you do decide to bet, have a staking plan. Don’t just pluck an amount out of thin air, evaluate the bet stake just as you would a financial investment.

Often the best bets for professional gamblers are not those that they place, but they are those they avoid and don’t place.

Yes, you will miss the odd winner, but this over-cautious approach is what many professionals take.

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Written by Marcus Richards

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