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4 Books You Should Read To Learn About Game Theory

Game theory can be theoretically applied to almost every aspect of the world, but does it really have any practical application? Find out and much much more about this hugely influential and interesting subject in these 4 books that you should read to get a basic (and in some cases advanced) knowledge of game theory, including poker strategy and theory.Β 

Each of the books on this list is suggested by industry experts and innovators.Β 

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#1 Theory of Games and Economic Behavior By John von Neumann

It is the foundation of Game Theory and where all future applications stem from. Anyone interested in AI or machine learning and game theories broad application to many facets of life should read this book.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors:Β Remy Kouffman from Knockout AI

#2 Prisoner’s Dilemma by William Poundstone


In my opinion, the best book on economic game theory by far is Prisoner's Dilemma by William Poundstone.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors:Β Doug Noll from Noll Associates

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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