
9 Best Timeless And Classic Childrenā€™s Books

There are certain childrenā€™s books that we all love thanks to their timeless ability to entertain us, to educate us and teach us something new.

Each of the books on this list is suggested by a FuppingĀ contributor.

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#1 The Z Was Zapped by Chris Van Allsburg

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Best alphabet book with catchy letters that reflect what the sentence says. For example, the C was cut to ribbons. The drawing of the C shows it cut to ribbons. It also has a great vocabulary of uncommon words.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Meryl K. Evans from

#2 The Water Hole by Graeme Base

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The Water Hole by Graeme Base is a counting book that contains breathtaking drawings of animals and hidden images.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Meryl K. Evans from

#4 Lions and Tigers and Terrorists, Oh My! by Carole Lieberman

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Lions and Tigers and Terrorists, Oh My! How to Protect Your Child in a Time of Terror This award-winning book (Book Festivals of New York, London, Paris, Hollywood) is the first and only book about terrorism for kids (and their parents, teachers and school psychologists). It teaches grownups how to talk to kids about terrorism and how to build resilience in them, while also being a picture book that gives kids a gentle introduction to terrorism.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Carole Lieberman from Dr. Carole-Americaā€™s Psychiatrist

#5 Message In A Bottle

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Childrenā€™s imaginations are powerful things: just give them some space and they can create whole worlds in moments. Give them a good book and the images materialize before their eyes. Now picture a childā€™s excitement to discover that they are a part of the book theyā€™re reading? Thatā€™s what Message In A Bottle does.

The story centres around a group of animals on a journey to deliver the message they found in an abandoned bottle to its rightful owner ā€” on the bottle label, there is a name and address. Both the bottle label and the message are customizable by whoever buys this book and can, therefore, be tailored to the child receiving the book ā€” wrapping them right into the narrative.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

#7 Pat The Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt

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One of the most timeless books is Pat The Bunny. While it might look dated to new parents, it's variety of touch-and-feel experience had my daughter picking it up again and again. It's the sensory aspect that has kept it on the Bestsellers list since 1940 and ranked it as the #6 Bestselling Children's Book of All Time. Despite being copied dozens of times, Pat the Bunny remains a perennial favorite while the others have fallen out of publication.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Bobby Christian from Civil Matador

#8 Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

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Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach tells the story of a seagull bored and disconnected with his mundane life.

ā€œFor most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than anything else, Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly.ā€

The great thing about this amazingly small book full of pages and pages of glorious illustrations is that lifeā€™s lessons and choices are presented to the reader in such a believable fashion that, as a child, one could only see them self as a seagull having a human experience not as a human having a seagull experience!

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Allison Constantino from A.M. Productions, Inc.

#9 Skyā€™s Amazing Dream by Mark Stevens

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Those of us who are blessed to have dogs in our lives, are fascinated by their child-like ways. How they greet the day with boundless optimism and romp through the seasons with endless joy and generosity. I've always watched this with glee. But then I started to think, What does Sky (my golden retriever) think about when he's sleeping? I knew it had to be an amazing fantasy. So in a way, I channeled Sky and wrote a book that takes us all - moms, dads and kids - into the magical world of an amazing dog's dreams. It is among other things, a sweet and timeless read as a parent puts their beautiful child to bed each night. Most of all, they fall asleep reading about the power of kindness.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Carol Bloom Stevens from Carol Bloom Stevens

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Written by Taegan Lion

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