
Art Kickstarter Projects You Do Not Want To Miss

Vote for your favourite now.

Art Kickstarter

If you’re like me you’ve backed and funded many kickstarter projects. Some have turned out to be terrible, some have been awesome. Well, we want to know your opinions on the hottest and most ‘must have’ projects going on right now.

Submit and vote for your favourites down below.

Submit a picture at the bottom of the list of the Kickstarter product, company logo or perhaps a picture from their look-book and write a short description of why you love this project.

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#1 Pleasie, The Polite Plesiosaur Plush

Pleasie, The Polite Plesiosaur Plush

Pleasie is a soft lovable plush from Cretaceous period. Designed with qualities that make her both child and adult friendly, she is ready to go on great adventures with everyone.

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#2 PERSONAL HELL – I’m an artist promoting mental health

PERSONAL HELL - I'm an artist promoting mental health

My name is Alex Hoffman. I have always used art and music to cope with my anxiety and depression. I am diagnosed with social anxiety, panic disorder, and major depressive disorder. I'm not ashamed of it. It's made me who I am in some ways, and has most definitely shaped me as an artist.

The stuff I make is not only to cope, but to make something positive out of the negative energy. Before I got help, I knew that I was stuck in that low point for as long as it wanted me there. So, I figured, 'if I'm going to feel this way, I might as well make something out of it.' This is how I found catharsis, and processed my emotions. Those dark feelings are pretty abstract, and anyone who's felt them knows that you don't usually know where they're coming from, or why they're there, or what they mean. So it made sense that art and music could help me figure it out or at the very least release it through a process that is just as abstract as the feeling itself.

So that's where "PERSONAL HELL" comes in, and why I'm here asking for your help. Because I want to promote recovery and mental health, but make it cool (for lack of a better term). Recovery and healthy habits can be really fucking cool, which I've only begun learning recently. Mental health in the artistic community can get pretty rough, and it makes sense because why else would we want to create if we were OK with the stuff that already exists. My point is, I see so many artist making really cool shit, but promoting unhealthy lifestyles. And I'm not here to judge AT ALL, cus I'm no saint, trust me. But I guess all I'm saying is I just want people to be happy, with out acting like everything is OK. So, in a poorly written nutshell, that's what "PERSONAL HELL" is.  It's some cool clothes and shit, that I hope can bring people together and let them know that they're not alone.





Here's the practical details.

Using my original designs, I will...

- create apparel

- screen print everything by hand

- market my products online through my website

- and reinvest profits to grow my brand

So, I need your help before I can even get started on these 4 steps! If you decide you'd like to contribute to my goal you will be helping buy my blank t-shirts, get supplies for screen printing, begin marketing, and keep me alive along the way. I really can't do this without you guys! Thanks for your help.

<3 <3 <3



P.S. You can see my some of my work on my instagram page @personalhelll





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#3 SRYSA (Siem Riep Youth Street Art)

SRYSA is an art school for poor Cambodians that aims to teach practical, economically viable art skills as well as teaching children 12 and over to follow their dreams. SRYSA also plans to teach English, Science, Math, History, and Philosophy, At SRYSA we plan to use a western teaching model that encourages  participation and research as well as having local Khmer Teachers who understand the local populace and the struggles and obstacles faced by Khmer people.

Your donations will go towards the rental of a space as well as the purchase of supplies including a daily meal for the children as well as art supplies so that the children can develop a craft and computers for research. We can function on a bare bones budget, but with your help we can provide these kids with a high quality education.

The school, will also function as a business selling mural painting services and customization to the Khmer (Cambodian) community to generate revenue for the school long term as well as teach Khmer youth how to market their skills.

In the west we see the art market as a product market but in Asia the art market is more of a service market. SRYSA schools goal is to apply this perspective to the teaching of art in Cambodia in order to economically empower Cambodians. SRYSA school will offer a variety of art services to the local community in order to promote the arts in khmer culture but also to generate revenue for the school.

The average monthly income in Cambodia is $150 a month but muralists can get an average of $150 per mural, The nation is being rebuilt after the civil war so new undecorrated buildings are commonplace. Mural painting is a growth field in Cambodia. We want to provide an economic future to Cambodian kids while helping them rebuild their culture.

In Cambodia the national public schools only run until around noon so then families often take children to the local pagoda to be taught by monks (the kids hate it) if the family can not afford private english language school in the afternoon, SRYSA wants to offer the English language curriculum in a practical environment where the children can use the language in their daily life (reading, art terminology, philosophy, crtical thinking exercises)

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#4 The Popgoth Tarot

The Popgoth Tarot

I wanted to make a deck that I could never find myself. I have quite a collection of decks, personally, and I love them, but what i've never been able to find is a deck--even a modern one--that was full of color. My goal with this tarot deck was to combine all of my accrued tarot knowledge and my artistic vision to create a truly modern deck. One that has both influences from pop culture and goth culture, as well as the occasional dash of older esoteric imagery. I wanted to make a deck that featured people of all colors, genders(or lack thereof), and sexualities (as a queer person of color making sure that there's representation, especially within the tarot, which a lot of people just like me work with, is very important to me). When you see yourself represented in a deck, it's easier to connect and understand. I wanted to create a deck that I--and people like me--could connect with. Along with that, i also wanted to make a deck intended for tarot spells. Colors play such an important role in magick; the right addition of color not only aids in the boosting of your focus but also evoking more potent energy to work with.

There's only five days left and if you pledge $35 dollars you get a copy of the deck so back it before its sold out forever!!!

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#5 New Zealand’s Dinosaur and Fossil Museum, The Jurassic Museu

New Zealand doesn't have a dinosaur museum and we aim to change that.  On 12 Jan 2018 we launched our Kickstarter Campaign to create The Jurassic Museum, New Zealand's Dinosaur and Fossil Museum.

The Jurassic Museum will house dinosaur fossil casts, interactive display panels and fun educational activities for children too.

It will be a place where families can create memories together that will last a lifetime.

As part of our Stretch Goal we will have 'Stan' the T-Rex who measures 12.2 meters long and 3.7 meters tall at the hip, 'Lane' the Triceratops, 100's of other fossil skulls, bone, teeth and claw casts and originals.

We plan The Jurassic Museum to be a world class location for locals and tourist to enjoy and to create memories at.

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#6 For the Love of Filipino Food

We want to raise funds for a live/work space where we can host popups on the ground level and also make it our home. It'll be like coming over to your Auntie's house for Sunday supper only you're being served liquid nitrogen halo-halo! It'll be a space where we bring in the community closer together through the arts and good food.

I know what you all are thinking, why not just open up my own restaurant, right? Well, as many of you know, the restaurant business is risky business. We have to really think about the logistics of owning, running, managing and staffing a restaurant. Not to mention the rent for the space in an ideal location can cost anywhere from $80k to $100k per year with a minimum lease of at least 5 years.

With having our own live/work popup space, we are still able to provide everyone the restaurant ambiance people are looking for but in a far more unique setting. If you guys know me by now, then you'll know I am anything but typical! And that also speaks about my food. It's anything but traditional though I do inject subtle nuances of traditional Filipino flavors in my dishes.

Filipino food hasn't completely hit mainstream in Orange County yet and neither is a Filipino Female Chef who actually grew up in the Philippines. I would like to be the one to initiate that change! So I am asking for everyone's support...please, please like, share and donate!

If this project succeeds with everyone's generous contributions, the money will go towards paying the lease for the space for a year (to help us get our feet off the ground), designing the space, licensing fees, insurance, and purchasing of furnitures, fixtures and equipment.


I am extremely passionate about this project and the food I make. If anyone can tell you one thing about me, it's that my passion overflows and I love, love, LOVE to feed people! So I would like to thank you all in advance for helping make this dream of mine a reality. Maraming, maraming salamat po!

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#7 Make100: Earlybird 45USD Calligraphy Commissions

Make100: Earlybird 45USD Calligraphy Commissions

Did you know that simply adding a calligraphy work-of-art, the atmosphere of your home can change dramatically?

At Handtalk, we find professional artists/calligraphers who are passionate about their work and produce quality commissions. We are going to collaborate and #Make100 on Kickstarter.

Currently offering Earlybird commissions while they last for only 15 days!

For collectors, enthusiasts and - anyone really!

Check out our page now!

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#8 RoseInk – Affordable High Quality Vegan Ink for Tattoos

RoseInk - Affordable High Quality Vegan Ink for Tattoos

Did you know... That most tattoo shops use ink that contains Bone Char,   Glycerin From Animal Fat, Gelation from Hoofs, and Shellac from Beetles?

Shocking. I know.

But Not Anymore!

Our Ink Contains zero animal products. Its never tested on animals . It's better for immunity and overall health. And more reliable and safer on the skin with long-lasting ink and better vibrancy.

We not only look out for your safety but we look out for your skin and most importantly your beliefs. We understand the importance of cruelty-free products. Our Temporary Vegan Tattoo Ink will contain no animal products and will never be tested on animals. Not only will we make sure we meet global health standards but we also make sure we meet the approval of vegans around the world. Permanent vegan tattooing can cost a lot according to the time involved. Names and really small tattoos cost about $50-$80. Larger and complex tattoos can cost thousands of dollars. An average small tattoo cost about $100.

Our tattoos look authentic and last long because our ink sinks into the top layer of your skin (called the epidermis, if you wanna get technical) where it reacts with organic compounds to change your skin’s color. Our ink is skin-safe, painless and made from all natural ingredients. The active compounds in our ink are naturally derived from the Genipa Americana plant. Tribes in South America have used this plant as body ornamentation for thousands of years. Our tattoo applicators will be made from FDA approved materials. We gathered our favorite herbs and enlisted the help of artist Vincent Jeannerot to create an herbal bouquet pleasing to the eyes and nose! The Bouquet Garni Set is a collection of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Sing it loud and wear it proud. For this third Scented Tattly collaboration, we once again turned to Agilex Fragrances to develop the unique and subtle fragrance. The top notes include Red Thyme, Italian Bergamot, Sheer White Spice Accord; the middle notes feature Parsley Leaf, Moroccan Rosemary, Wild Sage; and the bottom notes contain White Musk, Clear Musk, and White Sandalwood.

Ready to make a temporary bad decision?

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#9 Creepy Cute Enamel Pins

Creepy Cute Enamel Pins

I'm a digital/traditional artist and owner of my online shop Vicki Be Wicked who has recently developed a love for enamel pins.

I have a love for strange art wearable art. These enamel pins are one of a kind original art created by me. The initial goal is for the zombie girl pin. These can make a wonderful gift or you can just keep it for yourself.

Check out my kickstarter.

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#10 Twat cat patch

Iron On The Patch The Cat Thinks You're A Twat Enamel Pin

Hello there!

I'm Nikky and this is my latest kickstarter project. You can pledge here to get your own twat cat patch!

Follow me on FB, Twitter and Instagram: @innaboxdesign


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#12 Balance Miniature

The extraordinary success story of SANDDORN BALANCE began over twenty years ago. In 1996, the Swiss theatre producer Maedir Rigolo created a balancing act for the stage production SANDDORN. The play is set in knee-deep sand; the only props are the withered ribs of date and coconut palm leaves, which Maedir Rigolo collected from the most beautiful beaches in the world. But it took years for the balancing act to draw the attention of vaudeville and circus producers and for its worldwide success to be set in motion.

In 2012 Lara Jacobs Rigolo , Maedir’s daughter, Brought this unique act to the Cirque du Soleil stage in their production, “Amaluna.” The act became a huge success and was honored with the award of “Nestrucks Top Ten, Toronto 2012:Best Circus Act.” It was in Montreal where Lara decided to create a miniature version of the balancing sticks for the public to enjoy at home. The sticks are made from black walnut wood, noted for its deep brown color. Careful precision goes into the making of each set of balancing sticks. Lara herself puts the finishing touches on every set before it is released for sale to ensure its


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#13 #KyloRenChallenge – Enamel Pins – Ben Swolo

#KyloRenChallenge - Enamel Pins - Ben Swolo

This enamel pin design honors the #KyloRenChallenge. If you don't know what that is, you must be living under a rock in Garbage Compactor #3263827. You must also not be following John Mayer on Instagram.

Basically, the #KyloRenChallenge is a ridiculous photo fad in which "Wanna-Bens" recreate the steamiest scene in The Last Jedi. The scene is infamous for showing a vengeful, shirtless Kylo with his knickers up way too high. Perhaps he'd be less testy if his panties weren't in a literal bunch.

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#14 #Make100 – Have me make you some nifty art!

I’m an Art teacher and I want to go to a great Chine Colle printmaking workshop in Arizona. Your donation will go towards my tuition, lodging, materials, and air fare.  In exchange, I will send you some of my art.  I’m offering my super sarcastic retro cards, nifty notebooks printed with my art, or original collages in your choice of colorways.

Swing over and check it out.  I’d love to create an original piece for you!

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#15 Anodized Titanium Kiridashi Knives (Kickstarter)

Anodized Titanium Kiridashi Knives (Kickstarter)

The Kiridashi is a great platform for everyday use. The straightforward design has no moving parts, pins, or glue. The small blade is chisel ground, and made from very pure, high carbon steel. Beauty meets function! Open the link below, and see for yourself!

If you want to have one of these hand-crafted works of art, click below and be a part of our Kickstarter campaign.

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#16 Abstract Pop Art by Adonelle

Abstract Pop Art by Adonelle

Adonelle is raising funds for Abstract Pop Art by Adonelle on Kickstarter! Creating original portraits that celebrate and appreciate the unique beauty in everyone.

Visit My Kickstarter Campaign  

Has anyone told you today that you’re beautiful? 

Well, I just did. And I want you to know this everyday through my artwork.

Abstractive pop art excites the soul with its big, bright, minimalistic style, while smoothing out the perfect imperfections - your best features are made flawless, which lends this artwork an exciting, yet uniquely beautiful perspective on people.


Everyone is equal, everyone is made beautiful through my paintings. #nojudgement


I also like to apply abstract art through other subjects that casts a fun, whimsical light on the everyday activities of life.

"Old World Wine Down""Pugsley""Morning Mojo"

Painting is my serenity, and I want to share that feeling with others. As a backer, you will receive a customized canvas painting from a photo, or you can choose to have one of my random original works to be sent to you. Either way, a little bit of my soul (and love) goes into all commissioned work.


For customized commissions of headshots, just send a photo to me at coppergal11(at)

Visit My Kickstarter Campaign  

All contributions will be put toward expanding my studio and jumpstarting a dream to spread peace, serenity, and equality through art expression. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your interest!

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#17 The Butterfly Effect Tarot

The Butterfly Effect Tarot

The Butterfly Effect Tarot Deck is a full 78 card deck about femininity in a variety of forms.

It's about being comfortable in your skin, about being able to be whoever you want to be. This deck is an expression of what's most important to me - to showcase women as they are, no matter the shape, size, or color. It is my hope that through the mysticism of the Tarot, this deck will cause a literal butterfly effect - one that will resonate positivity, love, and hope to women everywhere.

This deck explores Tarot through the lens of Body Positivity. Using both modern and traditional elements, I illustrated each of the Major Arcana and the Court cards with the intent of showcasing diversity and empowerment. Even the negative and masculine cards are drawn with this in mind to the best of my abilities. The use of the butterfly wings acts as a beacon of hope, of joy, of the soul - it's an excellent symbol for a tool as mystical as the Tarot.

By simplifying the deck into the core meanings, I hope that this will be a great addition to anyone’s collection, and I hope that people find meaning through these cards in their readings.

You can Pledge today before January 30th HERE!

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#18 Make 100 with Kyle Bryant and Kickstarter.

For years I have been carving woodblocks for my own personal work printmaking work and loving the work that I do. Recently people have begun asking me if they can buy the actual woodblocks that I carve.When Kickstarter launched the Make 100 campaign I thought it would be a great opportunity to open my artistic practice up to handmade commissioned woodcarvings. So that's what I'm doing.With Make 100 I am offering to do 100 hand carved images of whatever you can come up with. If you have a dog that you love, send me a picture and I'll carve it. Do you love old corvettes? Send me a picture of one and I'll carve it. Maybe you want one of your kids drawings carved out of wood. I would love to do that for you!Whatever it is that you can think of, I can do. So check out my Make 100 kickstarter HERE, and lets get to work!

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#19 Sunblot Adult Coloring Book

Sunblot Adult Coloring Book

Sunblot is a 38 page coloring book featuring elaborate black & white inked illustrations fashioned to unwind and spark creativity. This coloring book is the result of a collection of detailed abstract art that is perfect for engaging the mind while relaxing and coloring. The pages are set up to increase in difficulty and features 35 illustrations as well as 3 example pages colored by the creator.

You can choose to pledge as little as $2, but the rewards begin at the low price of $15. When you pledge that $15, you receive two signed prints and four postcards of your choosing. If you want the actual coloring book, pledge only $20- far below the typical commercial sale value of adult coloring books. The rewards only increase from here: pledge $30 and receive the coloring book, two prints, and four postcards! You also have options to get even more rewards when you pledge $45, $60, or $100!

Funding will go towards printing, shipping, time, and associated costs.

I appreciate all backers and cannot wait to make this dream a reality.

Click on over to the Sunblot Coloring Book Kickstarter page to view more details, see examples of both colored and black and white pages, meet the artist, and hopefully pledge a few bucks! See you there!

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#20 Ethereal Cats Greeting Cards by Jeff Cornelius

Ethereal Cats Greeting Cards by Jeff Cornelius

Cats are one of my favorite subjects. I'm glad to be offering these designs in greeting card form, hope you enjoy them also.

Come along to help me with the start of a new greeting card line called "Ethereal Cats". My first set of cat card designs. Your contributions will help pay printing costs for distribution and marketing purposes.

Backer Rewards

$5 - Digital collection of the full set of 8 Ethereal  Cats cards to print on your own.

$12 - 4 cards and envelopes. Your choice same image or assortment from the designs posted with this project.

$24 - 8 cards and envelopes. Your choice same image or assortment from the designs posted with this project.

$36 - 12 cards and envelopes. Your choice same image or assortment from the designs posted with this project.

The next reward gives you the opportunity to own an original piece of the artwork used to create these cards.

$60 - Your choice of one or more original design artwork that was used for Ethereal Cat cards.

$72 - 24 cards and envelopes. Your choice same image or assortment from the designs posted with this project.

The next three rewards give me an opportunity to create some original artwork just for you.

$100 - Get a card designed by me with your own cat image. No one else will have this design, you alone will own this unique card design. Send me a picture, I will create the drawing in the same style in color ballpoint pen. You will receive a 7" x 9" original ballpoint pen drawing, 12 cards printed with that image,  envelopes and the digital collection of the full set of 8 Ethereal Cats cards .

$160 - Get two cards designed by me with your own cat images. No one else will have these designs, you alone will own these unique card designs. Send me a picture, I will create the drawing in the same style in color ballpoint pen. You will receive two 7" x 9" original ballpoint pen drawings, 12 cards printed with the images,  envelopes and the digital collection of the full set of 8 Ethereal Cats cards .

$280 - Get four cards designed by me with your own cat images. No one else will have these designs, you alone will own these unique card designs. Send me a picture, I will create the drawings in the same style in color ballpoint pen. You will receive four 7" x 9" original ballpoint pen drawings, 24 cards printed with the images,  envelopes and the digital collection of the full set of 8 Ethereal Cats card.

There are 8 card designs to choose from at this time.

They will measure when folded; 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" and will be printed on cardstock.

Thank you as always for any support you can give to my work as an artist. I am so glad to have received so much support for the projects I've presented. They have been extremely inspiring and motivating to me, they have encouraged me to continue to create and to seek out new and exciting ways to express my talent and creativity.

Thank you ahead of time if you choose to back this project, and if not, thank you for looking it over and please spread the word so I might give others some delight to others and continue in my quest as an artist.

Yours Truly,

Jeff Cornelius

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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