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5 Must-Read Books On Paid Advertising (PPC)

So you want to master paid advertising? Here are 5 books that everyone should read on paid advertising.

Each of the books on this list is suggested by a Fupping contributor.

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#1 The Idea Writers by Teressa Iezzi

Beyond the basic mechanics of paid ad creation and optimization, I like to hone my copywriting skills to get more bang for my advertising buck. The Idea Writers: Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era by Teressa Iezzi is a great resource for the modern marketer to learn how to create attention-grabbing headlines, tell a compelling story with the least amount of copy, and get inspired by top marketer's best practices.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Brin Chartier from LearnLux

#2 Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing by David Szetela


Hands down my favorite book on paid advertising is Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing: An Hour a Day. The reason is that it while it's a Google Adwords book, it provides an incredibly thorough walk-through of understanding intent, doing keyword research, and is easily digestible. Anyone who gets this book will not only become good at Adwords, but they will also become capable in most aspects of paid advertising.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Joey Montano from Jomonjo

#3 Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall

I strongly suggest the Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall. I think it does the best job of breaking down the steps you should take to get the most out of search engine pay per click advertising. His section on campaign and ad group strategy is especially helpful.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Eagan Heath from Get Found Madison

#4 The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout

The reason for recommending this book is because this book is a classic and should be required reading for advertising and marketing. Many MBA programs make this book required reading in marketing classes.  The book discusses the basics of advertising psychology like the Law of Leadership in the consumers mind (being first in the market is better than having a better product.).

Or the Law of Extension, meaning there's an irresistible pressure to extend the equity of the brand to another market and it's a mistake. Instead one should create new brands to address new markets and products. Remember Arizona Ice Tea tried to extend to nacho chips, with Arizona Nachos?  How about Frito Lay lemonade? That dog did not hunt. In the consumer’s mind if your brand extends to another category it has to resonate with the mind of consumer. This is a must read to understand advertising tactics and marketing to consumers. Run don’t walk to get this book.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: D. Anthony Miles from Miles Development Industries Corporation

#5 The Old Rules of Marketing are Dead by Timothy R. Pearson

This is a must read book for advertisers. Pearson lays down the paradigm shift and marketing with the merging of PR and advertising. The digital age has transformed advertising and marketing. From research frameworks and traditional idea development to planning to budgeting to distribution channels and media placement. Marketing has advanced: the key is to build relationships with consumers not just sell them products.

One of his mantras is:  Many Choices, One Customer: Resist Lazy Marketing. While you use multiple channels to engage customers, you are still dealing with individuals. Resist lazy marketing. Use technology to reach the masses, but don't treat people like “masses.” Pearson’s six new rules of the new marketing are a must read. Get this book now!

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: D. Anthony Miles from Miles Development Industries Corporation

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Written by Taegan Lion

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