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8 Expert Books To Read On Value Investing

Learn once and for all what the investments are all about.

Investing, a word that makes trader-type cats salivate at the perceived opportunity of making huge profits by playing the mythical market. It also makes regular folks head ache in agony at the thought of incomprehensible financial jargon they felt robbed that school never even attempted to teach them.

Stop being one of the later group by finally learning what value investing is all about, here’s a list of books that will help you with that.

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#1 Dividend Investing Your Way to Financial Freedom by Millionaire

This book was recently named a best new release in the stock market investing category on Amazon. Dividend investing is the best way to increase your income while also contributing to your retirement goals. The book covers off on a number of topics that will help you value invest for dividends. The guide highlights a 5 step method to live completely off dividends and your investment in the stock market.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Kyle Kroeger from Millionaire Mob

#2 The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

The book I'd like to recommend is rather old. However the principles of Paying yourself first is clearly spelled out in it and has been used by many happy readers. It is one of the oldest yet the most effective principles of investing.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Alina Trigub from Samo Financial

#4 The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks

This book does a wonderful job of framing the benefits and philosophy of value investments. In particular, he goes into a well thought out, approachable discussion about the relationship between risk and reward in the world of investing. He lays out a strong case that reliably successful investing depends on deriving an accurate assessment of intrinsic value and investing when the asset’s price trades below this value. He claims the most important things are: (1) understanding how to value an investment and (2) identifying how market price movements affect current value. 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Riley Adams from Young And The Invested

#5 How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O’Neil

It is a timeless explanation of how value investing - from the 1920's and until today - the author examines what made the best stocks rise and fall, and gives the everyday investors the tools to find the next big hit. The CANSLIM' investment system described in the book worked for me personally and I highly recommend it. O'Neil revolutionizes investment thinking - buy high, sell higher instead of endless bottom fishing. 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Avi Sinai from Hard Moola

#6 The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin, Jason, Warren

This is without question, the most important value investing book anyone can read. Warren Buffett was Ben Graham's student. The book itself has impacted my investment performance unquestionably. My first few investments (based on leading recommendation websites) failed miserably, some still negative 50+% returns. Whereas my investment decisions, while still coming from leading recommendation websites, I now apply Ben Graham's methodologies, and thought leadership on value investment and have seen my portfolio turn around entirely, sitting at over 30% positive return over the last 3 years combined.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Matthew Gibbs from Recruiterly Inc

#7 Common Sense on Mutual Funds by John, David

John Bogel founder of Vanguard Mutual fund and creator of the first mutual fund index decided to share his groundbreaking wisdom in his classic work Common Sense on Mutual Funds. The book shows you how a simple investment plan will beat a complicated strategy by the numbers, the majority of the time.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Nate Masterson from Maple Holistics

#8 Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip A. Fisher

The best book about value investing I've ever read is Common Stocks & Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher. A lot of people will probably say that The Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham is their favorite value investment book, and it's a great one, but this one has my vote. Plus, this book tends to get forgotten by people who follow Warren Buffett. Lots of people read The Intelligent Investor but Buffett himself says he is 85% Graham and 15% Fisher. So, in order to get the full picture of Buffett, who is one of the greatest investors ever, you must study fisher.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: James Pollard from TheAdvisorCoach

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Written by Taegan Lion