

Advantages Of LinkedIn For Small Businesses

Linkedin has a reputation for only being a powerful social platform for industry leaders and well-known experts. This is why lots of small businesses decide not to use it.

This is a mistake, Linkedin is hugely beneficial for small businesses. Here is how your small business can benefit from using Linkedin automation tools and more…

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#1 Lead Generation

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When you are just starting out, LinkedIn is a great source of leads, because it provides easy contact with your target audience. It is just simple messaging, but building your business network like this is really helpful. It may be because LinkedIn messages don’t feel so official compared to cold mailing for example. Besides, when you personalize them they just feel nice to receive. If you are still leery about using LinkedIn messages, consider gb whatsapp Β which allows chatting, voice, and video calls.

Contributors: Sebastian BereΕ› from INVO Technologies

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  1. Without a doubt one of the greatest advantages of LinkedIn!

#2 Boost SEO

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Apart from personal LinkedIn profiles, your company page is publically visible, and giving you a tremendous opportunity to promote your SEO with fresh, valuable, keyword-rich content. This mean, distribute all your quality content on your business Linkedin page/account.

Contributors: Ashish Goswami from Zestard Technologies

#3 Research and support

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A really underutilised aspect of Linkedin for small businesses is the research element that it provides. By using the general search box at the top of the website, you can search for keywords in your industry. By refining your search further and selecting the 'groups' section it will display communities of people that have similar interests and business goals as yourself. By joining these groups it offers a wealth of insight on new trends, information and thoughts that could prove very useful to your business. I'd also recommend getting active in these groups to show your athought leader and contributor in the goal of connecting with like-minded people and growing your network with relevant individuals.

Contributors: Damien Buxton from Midas Creative

#4 Share Business Blogs That Offer Advice

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Unlike other social platforms, LinkedIn's atmosphere is professional, meaning you want to post professional content. As a small business, it would benefit your company to post content that offers expert advice on your specific field. To develop this content, you may consider hiring a freelance writer or in-house content writer to write blogs for your website.

From there you and the writer can brainstorm ideas on the advice your business can offer. Once you've started posting blogs on your business website, then you can start sharing them on LinkedIn. For those who are following or connected to your business, your posts will appear at the top of their news feed.

LinkedIn isn't like Facebook, so if your business's followers aren't connected to many different businesses, your content will be one of the first to appear on their feed. If they find the post helpful in any way, they can like it or share it with their connections. Either way, their activity will appear on their followers' feed, so the content is spread through a variety of networks and drives more traffic to your business.

Contributors: Jenna Salerno from USB Memory Direct

#5 Use LinkedIn as a marketing avenue

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Your LinkedIn business page is essentially a social media profile for your business – people will look at it to learn what your business is about, find out what you’ve been up to, and even look at your job opportunities. Taking advantage of this can turn your LinkedIn page into a valuable marketing asset for your company. One of the easiest ways to do this is to regularly post new content to your page.

Whether youΒ simply share blog posts from your website, promote content relevant to your industry, or just share business news, keeping the page updated can help draw other business-owners and individuals to your page, encouraging them to interact with your business. I use my LinkedIn page to promote articles I’ve been featured in, share videos I’ve created, and even share relevant social media posts – other small business owners interact frequently, showing that the system works!

Contributors: Ross Davies from Strafe Creative

#6 LinkedIn is a great platform to get more recognition online

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LinkedIn Ads is a great way for businesses to advertise on a corporate platform. I highly suggest small business owners open up a profile on LinkedIn. The possibilities are endless, one can even do LinkedIn Video Ads on the platform explaining the history of the company. Building a robust industry network on LinkedIn can help your small business gain more viewers and followers. One can really brand their small business to fit only that certain criteria.

Posting expert blog posts can help you grow via SEO and also get experts reading your helpful information. You can really connect on LinkedIn with people who really matter to you and your business needs.

Contributors: Reuben Kats from Falcon Marketing, LLC & GrabResults, LLC

#7 Multi-channel marketing

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That's what LinkedIn provides for small businesses. It is another channel for marketing the product or service that a small business offers. It opens up your ability to reach the local audience through this new channel and that's huge because it opens so many doors in terms of online traffic and genuine interest in your company.

Contributors: Alan Santillan from G2 Crowd

#9 LinkedIn For Thought Leadership

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People want to buy from leaders. They don’t want to buy from folks working out of their garage. LinkedIn gives small business owners, marketers, salespeople and strategists, the opportunity to build a tribe of followers.

Example, if you’re an expert in Content Marketing, you might create a series of posts and content that show others how they can succeed in content marketing. If you’re a business leader, share advice and insight on how to deal with a growing firm. If you’re looking to gain media attention, you can assert yourself as an expert in a particular topic.

Simply put, people want to follow and the more expertise that you can share, on a regular basis, the greater the odds of people wanting to follow you, work with your company, share your expertise, etc.

Contributors: Tom Jelneck from On Target Digital Marketing

#10 LinkedIn For Networking

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I’ve heard people describe LinkedIn as the virtual chamber of commerce. The days of touchy-feely networking events with terrible coffee and stale cookies may be a thing of the past in the not so distant future. LinkedIn allows salespeople, leaders, networkers to build a virtual β€˜tribe’ of followers. Networking can be done by following certain LinkedIn groups, by messaging certain people you want to meet or get to know, by sending InMails to get acquainted, people also use the search feature to find other like-minded folks in their space.

Contributors: Tom Jelneck from On Target Digital Marketing

#11 LinkedIn For Learning

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With so many people sharing so much wisdom from such diverse backgrounds, LinkedIn makes for a rich place to learn and hone your skills. Interaction on posts, thought leadership articles, and corporate insights are all available for those who simply search and are eager to learn. There are amazing business leaders active on LinkedIn as well that can help nurture your brain on a daily basis.

Contributors: Tom Jelneck from On Target Digital Marketing

#13 The care and feeding of your network

Yes, networking is at the heart of LinkedIn, but most small business leaders use it as a static system to catalog the people they know. But it is a living network with so much intelligence on the people who are your customers, consumers, and partners like when they are shifting jobs, getting promoted, or even just their birthday, all events that could create opportunities to build your relationships and business.

Contributors: Gary Romano from Civitas Strategies, LLC

#14 LinkedIn Posts

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With the posting option we are able to post quality content that interests viewers and in turn, leads to new connections and potential leads for us. Β Linkedin is a more professional platform then facebook and we have learned that if they have a LinkedIn they are much more likely to be a professional.

Linkedin has been an invaluable resource for us as a small business. Β We have been able to create client leads and seek out quality connections for potential clients. As a Luxury Matchmaking company we need to be able to seek out quality matches and with Linkedin, we are able to see people's profession as well as a profile picture.

Contributors: April Davis from LUMA - Luxury Matchmaking

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Written by Zak Parker

Journalist, writer, musician, professional procrastinator. I'll add more here later.

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